Annual General Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Cardiff Met SU's Annual General Meeting

Minutes from Cardiff Met Students Union

4.00pm Thursday 20th November 2014

Zen Bar, Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff CF52YB

Present: Mike Davies (Chief Executive), Josh Barnett (President), Stefan Kelly (Vice President), Luke Bailey (Trustee), Tom Wright (Trustee)

In attendance: Fay Brinsdon (Executive Assistant)

Apologies: Niamh Chapman (Trustee), Emma Winter (Trustee), Hollie Edwards (Trustee)

Minutes of meeting

The meeting was advised that it had not achieved the required numbers to be quorum in accordance with the constitution, and was therefore unable to agree all matters on the agenda so would revert to the Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors of Cardiff Metropolitan University.

 The meeting continued:-

1. Reports and accounts

The annual accounts for the year end 30th June 2014 were received and agreed.  These can be found online on the

2. Auditors

Watts Gregory LLP, Chartered Accountants & Statutory Auditors, Elfed House, Oak Tree Court, Cardiff  Gate Business Park, Cardiff CF23 8RS were re-appointed as auditors.

3. Auditors' remuneration

It was agreed that the charity trustees are able to set the level of the auditor’s fees.

4.  Affiliations

It was agreed that Cardiff Met Students Union will be affiliated with the below affiliations.

a) BUCS - British Universities and Colleges Sport

b) UKCISA - United Kingdom Council for International Student Affairs

c) ACUI - Association of College Unions International

d) NASES – National Association of Student Employment Services

5. Any other business

Nothing raised.