Nitrous Oxide/ Laughing Gas: What you should know

You have probably noticed an increase in the use of Nitrous Oxide and maybe used it yourself on a night out/in, but do you know what it is and what it can do?

By Cardiff Met Nursing Department

You have probably noticed an increase in the use of Nitrous Oxide and maybe used it yourself on a night out/in, but do you know what it is and what it can do?

Nitrous Oxide is a colourless gas, with a slightly sweet smell and taste. Like alcohol it is classed as a depressant (funny I know when it’s called Laughing Gas). This doesn’t mean it makes you feel depressed, it depresses or numbs your senses and it slows down your reactions and thoughts.

How is it used? Usually Nitrous Oxide is inhaled through the mouth, either straight from the canister or from another container to which it’s been transferred.

What are the side effects? These vary from mild to severe and tragic. How you react depends on you, how you take it and how much you take.

The reason most people take Nitrous Oxide is for the feeling of exhilaration, fun and laughter.

Other minor side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Light headedness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Distorted hearing
  • Headache

The effect from nitrous oxide is usually felt very quickly but lasts only a short time. This could encourage increased use and therefore worse side effects.

And then there are the serious risks

  • Injury due to the above side effects
  • Fainting

·         Vitamin B12 deficiency (nerve damage with numbness in fingers and toes,
pain and problems walking)

  • Reduced white blood cells
  • Unconsciousness
  • Frost bite of the face
  • Death caused by a lack of oxygen.

Should Nitrous Oxide be used with alcohol? It’s never advisable to mix drugs. Both nitrous oxide and alcohol are depressants and as you can see above many of the side effects are similar. You have all either been injured as a result of drinking alcohol or will have observed someone who has been, by adding nitrous oxide to the mix, accidents will become more likely.

Is Nitrous Oxide Addictive? It would seem that the answer at the moment is we don’t really know. Some people seem to crave the feeling of euphoria and therefore increase their usage regardless of the risks.

Is it legal? There are three reasons that Nitrous Oxide should be used

  • Pain relief in a medical situation
  • In catering as a preservative.
  • In engines

At the present time it is legal to possess nitrous oxide but it is illegal to supply it to anyone under the age of 18.

Some further thoughts

Being legal doesn’t always equate to being safe.

Driving under the influence of drugs is illegal.

Don’t get confused between nitrous oxide and nitric oxide (NO). NO is very poisonous

The information above was found at