The SUrvey 2021- Winners!

You used 'The SUrvey' to tell us what matters to you, now we're working to make the SU even better for you!

Last year, for the first time, we ran 'The SUrvey' and asked you to help us. We asked you to tell us what matters to you, what you think of us, our services, our facilities, our activities, and we asked you to help us set our aims and objectives to make sure that we put our hard work and effort into the right things for you. 

449 of you answered the call and with your feedback, we have some key areas to develop as your Students' Union. Some of the key things you told us were:

  • Student wellbeing is a key priority and should be a focus for the SU;
  • Awareness of the SU and the service provided to members could be better;
  • SU Elections are important to you, but there is a lack of understanding on what they are and how to get involved.

We will now work on these areas to make improvements based on your feedback. We will also run The SUrvey on an annual basis, to check with you, our members, that we're heading in the right direction. We will also aim to hear from even more of you each time we run The SUrvey and as we make changes, we'll communicate these with you so you know what we're doing to improve your SU.

We're really grateful to those of you who responded to The SUrvey and as promised, there were some great prizes up for grabs. The winners of the prizes are:

  • 1 x Apple Watch - Adrienne Titley
  • 1 x Apple AirPods - Zoe Moore
  • 4 x Noise Cancelling Headphones - Zhexi Zheng, Chloe Elise Hopkins, Zoe Worton, Emma Darling
  • 6 x £30 JustEat Vouchers - Chandra Khatri, Martina Benesova, Georgia Smith, Josh Sawyer, Mani Balaji Elangovan

Keep your eyes peeled in the new year when we'll reopen The SUrvey for your chance to tell us what you think of the SU experience in 2021/22, and for another chance to win great prizes with The SUrvey!