Reps Blog 2 - CST School Rep

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The First Term.


It’s all a bit of a blur now. This is my third time around doing the first term and every time it’s been different. New subjects, new staff members, staff members now doing different jobs, a year closer to graduating (for the record, I don’t actually want to leave… I’m planning to create a hidden door in CST and live in a wall cavity, preferably near a kettle), and my first full year as School Rep for School of Technologies, with a new Student Union President and Vice President. Every year brings new dynamics, it’s never same old same old.

            So, what did I do this first term? I wish I had made notes. Note to self, make notes next year.

My start to the term actually started on the wrong side of the planet. Whilst my devoted colleagues in the SU were training during Freshers Week, I was in South Australia visiting an old and much-loved friend. I did manage to get into the Melbourne museum for free by proudly displaying my Cardiff Met Swipe card, so I was kinda doing Rep stuff, honest. Anyway, I made it back to Uni for MetFest on the Friday, which was a fun afternoon.

            Within a week of being back, I had set up a meeting with Michela from marketing to discuss CST and the new building, things she wants to promote. I started to get my rep structure in place. I have to say a huge thank you to Glenn and Thanuja for being so pro-active in helping to recruit reps, they really made the job a lot easier for me and I have now got a great selection of really engaged Course Reps on pretty much every course at all levels. The quality of feedback I have had from them has been superb.

            This probably a good moment to reiterate this to any student who is reading this and has made it this far (well done you):

 ALL feedback is important.

This is why the SU is here. This is what my job is. I am a conduit for your concerns, your praise; anything that is effecting your experience at Cardiff Met needs to be known about. If we don’t know then we can’t pass the messages on to those in a position to make a difference. Your feedback in CST during last term has already been acted upon and changes made… it can happen that quickly. Keep it up, I don’t care how many emails I get per day with suggestions or feedback, I will read and deal with them all.

I have had some very productive meetings with our Dean, Jon Platts, who has been keeping me in the loop with regard to the new CST building at the front of the campus. I was disappointed that we couldn’t get in there for the start of the 2nd term, but there is no way to rush the amount of work needed given the scale of the project. I have every confidence that by the end of February we can start to enjoy our new home from home.

I have met several times with Carly, our CST Careers Guru, to discuss the Tech Fair this year and who we would like to see attending. There will be more on the fair closer to the time, but this is a huge opportunity to meet potential employers and find out what skills they are looking for and what languages and software they are using.

Going forward for 2nd term, I’ll be looking to organise social events in CST for existing and new students coming in. I also want to work with the Gaming Society to set up E-Sports events.

Moving into the new building is going to bring its own set of challenges, but we’re a really robust wee school and I reckon it’s going to be a lot of fun.

If you need to contact me with any feedback or issues you’re having within CST, email me at

