Tuesday 24 November 2020

13:00 - 13:45


Zero resistance Yoga class

Zero resistance Yoga class 


Thursday 1pm-1.45pm on Teams 

Open to everyone, no previous experience required 

Free of charge, optional donation to charity.


Yoga is to free the mind and body of all strain and tension to experience lightness and peace. Zero resistance yoga is gentle yet powerful, supporting general health and immunity, improving metabolic capacity and increasing energy.  


These traditional yoga techniques are aimed at releasing the mind and the body from accumulated stress and inertia. 


Movements to relax the spine, neck, shoulders, arms and wrists (particularly good for those who spend a lot of time sitting at a computer) and remove accumulated stress and inertia in the body. 

Breathing techniques to relax and increase oxygen  

Meditation to balance and calm the mind  

To Book your slot please email: abhushan@cardiffmet.ac.uk

Taught by Anna Bhushan