When do you meet?

We meet 3x a week to climb:

MON- 6pm-8pm



Our socials will usually be held on Wednesdays from about 8pm, although this may change depending on the social theme/activity. All information to do with socials will be posted on our instagram @cmetclimbing and will be put into the members WhatsApp group.

Do i have to know how to climb?

 Our team are trained and able to show anyone and everyone the ropes, whether it's been years since you've climbed or you've never set foot in a climbing gym. New climbers will start bouldering first before being taught how to belay and set up on ropes.

Do i have to do anything before my first session?

We recommend you register with boulders before you come to the session, which you can do so here . This will save you time when you get there and means all you'll have to so to start is complete the short safety exam the Boulders team will carry out. If you're a competent climber and can belay safely, fill in the competent climber form and make sure you get signed off to belay. If you're a beginner, only fill in the Bouldering form, and we will train you to get signed off to belay at a later date.

What should I wear to CLimb?

 We recommend wearing athletic clothing that isn't too loose/flowy so you don't get caught on holds, no rings and bracelets (rings especially can get caught and will cause nasty injuries), long hair tied up, and to rent a pair of climbing shoes if you don't own your own. Climbing shoes will aid in your performance but are also needed in terms of health and safety- you don't want outside shoes on holds you'll be grabbing as you go up!

How can i get to boulders?

 Boulders is located just off Newport Road in St Catherine's Park. There is free parking offered if you can drive, although there are bus routes that will drop you off essentially right outside. On Wednesdays we'll be running a Ride together scheme where a committee member will meet you outside the Prince Of Wales pub and will show you the routes to take.

I can't make every climb and social, is that okaY?

 We understand uni can be hectic and schedules don't always align, so if you can only make it once a month to climb or have to miss sessions that's fine! There's no compulsory training or socials, just turn up when you can and enjoy it!

What are the deals members recieve?

 Members can get their first month of Boulders membership for £30 if you sign up before the 31st October. Otherwise, membership will be the student deal of £45 a month.

 If you don't want to pay for a membership, our club climbs on mondays, wednesdays and fridays will be £9 for members.