The Student Union hereby gives notice to the students of Cardiff Met students’ Union Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023/24 which will be held in O1.01 in School of Management in Llandaff. This year’s AGM will be fully in-person event.

If your preference is to attend in person you will be required to bring your student ID card, if you do not attend with an ID card you will not be permitted to participate in the meeting.



AGM 2023 Documents


Annual Report

Financial Statements







What is an AGM?


AGM or Annual General Meeting is the largest forum where students can oversee and provide opinions on the SU’s finances, affiliations, find out what the SU has done for the past year and submit a motion to determine the direction the SU will be taking forward! You will get to debate and vote on all motions submitted to the AGM. The AGM is a legal requirement for a membership-based charity and can only be attended by its members – the students.



What happens at an AGM?



The full agenda with documents will be released 7 days prior to the meeting:

Section 1 – Formal Business 

  1. Reports and Accounts for year 2022/23
  2. Auditors Appointment
  3. SU Affiliation approval

Section 2 - Motions 

  1. Any submitted motions




How do I write/submit a motion?


The deadline for motions is 4pm on 16th November. To submit a motion, please download the template below and e-mail it to before the deadline. Please note that only motions submitted in this format will be accepted.


Download the AGM Motion Template!



How do I amend a motion?


Should you need to amend your motion, for example should it name a person, be out with the charitable objectives you will be notified of the standing orders decision, and you will need to resubmit your amended motion 7 days prior to the AGM.


How does the motion debate work?


Check out our AGM Handbook that will walk you through the meeting, on how to vote and what opportunity you get to debate.


AGM Handbook


I want to vote but cannot attend - What can I do?


Unfortunately, Cardiff Met SU currently does allow proxy voting at an AGM. In order for you to cast your vote, you have to be present in-person and registered.