Candidate for the position of Student President




My name is Will Fuller and I am running to be your Students’ Union President for the next academic year. I am this year’s SU Vice President and I’d love the opportunity to represent the student voice for another year. As VP I have been fortunate enough to work with some fantastic people, learn a lot and have been involved in a lot of positive student centred changes.

I want to ensure that all Cardiff Met students are represented effectively and that your opinions are heard and acted upon at all levels.

Follow my elections twitter @VoteWillF and use the hashtag #VoteWill to stay up to date with my campaign!

Key manifesto points and aims:

  • Experience as SU Vice President
  • More for your course fee
  • Improve transport and parking 
  • Remove £8 MetCard replacement fees
  • Introduce puppy petting around exam times

Experience as Vice President
I have been fortunate enough to be the Vice President of the SU for this year and having made good contacts within all five schools and senior management of the university, I want to step up as President and continue to push for positive changes to the student experience.

More for your course fee
There are several things that students pay for which I believe could be incorporated into course fees, some schools currently do this and others don’t. I want to push for any ‘extras’ such as DBS checks, professional accreditations, joining fees for professional bodies and some printing costs to be incorporated into course fees.

Improve transport and parking
A full consultation on how to improve on campus parking, increase green travel options (safer bike/walking routes) and on how to make the MetRider as effective as possible will be one of my key moves if elected.

Remove £8 MetCard replacement fee
If a student loses their MetCard but cannot afford to replace it, they have no form of student ID and that card is still active and able to open doors, potentially to halls. This is a safety issue and removing the £8 fee will help to ensure the safety and security of campuses and halls.

Puppy petting around exam times
Mental health is a key agenda for the SU and I have seen the impact a puppy petting room can have. Linking with academic registry, a puppy petting room on campus will improve the morale and well-being of students around exam times.