President Candidates


Vice President Candidates


Formal elections notice 2020-2021


This year Cardiff Met SU election process will be taking place between 20th January 2020 and 11th March 2020 (Voting 6th March – 11th March).

During elections, eligible students are able to put themselves forward for nomination and run as a candidate for the representative position of President or Vice President, student members’ vote for their candidate to win and become President and Vice President. The SU is a democratic membership organisation, this means that every decision is made in the interests of students at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

The elected candidates form part of the Students’ Union representative structure, which consists of full time officers,  part-time officers, school representatives and lead representatives and course representatives.

You will represent the views of students to the University and wider community, whilst ensuring that the SU operates according to its policies and procedures, and most importantly in the best interest of its members.

- Will Fuller, Elections Officer


Lead your students' union


The elections for the new President and Vice President for your Students' Union are right around the corner!

Take a look through our Timetable below for the full 2020 Cardiff Met Students' Union elections schedule of events.


We are looking for leaders that will respond to feedback, enhance the student experience, and make positive changes to Cardiff Met Students’ Union and the University. This is a great opportunity for a student to develop their leadership and communication skills.

Cardiff Met Students’ Union is here to represent and support every student. We run democratically, meaning that students are at the heart of every decision we make. The student elections give you the chance to vote for a President and Vice President that will best represent your views.


Election Timeline



FAQ's by Candidates

President: includes acting as the chair of the Board of Trustees, along with being responsible for the financial position and performance of the Students' Union. The President focuses on representing the student voice at the highest levels within the University including being a Governor and championing the services of the Students’ Union internally and externally. The President also leads the team of Part Time Officers.

Vice President: includes being both a Trustee of the SU and a Governor of the University. The Vice President heads up the representation structure as well as supporting societies. They also sit on Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Committee, keeping an open line of communication between staff and students regarding academia. The Vice President is a point of call for anything that students may need during the year whether that be support or advice whether academic or welfare related.

To become a SU Sabbatical officer you must nominate yourself with support of another Cradiff Met student. Nominations open on the Monday 17th February and close on the Monday 24th February (midday). Following this there will be campaigning and an election where students will vote for their preferred candidate. Prior to submitting a nomination it would be a good idea to meet with either Amy-Louise Fox (President 2019-2020) or Keira Davies (Vice President 2019-2020) for any further information about the process or the roles of SU President and Vice President.

President – Amy-Louise Fox –
Further info – Keira Davies –

Elections are open to all Cardiff Met students regardless of year or course of study, if successful you would need to take a sabbatical (period of leave) year from your studies to undertake the role. You can also undertake these roles in the year after you have graduated.

Nomination forms are available from both SU offices or on the SU website here from Monday 17th February. Once you have completed your nominations form and had it seconded by a fellow student, it needs to be returned to either SU office. Make sure that you get your nominations form signed by the person in the office that you hand it to.

Winning one election does not mean that you will win another, every candidate is in with a chance of winning as it is up to the students who vote to decide who is successful.

A manifesto is, a public declaration of policy and aims, especially a manifesto that has been issued before an election by a political party or candidate. In the context of Cardiff Met SU elections your manifesto is the document where you get to show your fellow students (the voters) why you’re the best person for the role and what you aim to do if successful.

Guidance will be available to candidates from 3th – 10th February.

In the context of elections, campaigning is what candidates do to get votes. However it’s not just handing out leaflets! Successful candidates take time to listen and speak to students, find out what the current issues are that are affecting the student experience and what students would like to see from their President and Vice President.

As outlined in the What roles are available? the role of a Cardiff Met SU Sabbatical Officer is a hugely diverse one, and this means that it gives the successful candidate the opportunity to develop a unique set of skills to use in the future.

These skills include:
• Time management
• Organisation
• Leadership
• Project management
• Research
• Public speaking
• Reading and creating high level papers for committee
• Chairing meetings

All SU elections give the option for voters to express their wish that nominations for a role be re-opened. Voting R.O.N is usually taken when voters do not feel any of the candidates offer viable or credible policies.

Should R.O.N win an election, the post would not be filled, and a bi-election would be organised at a further time deemed suitable.

FAQ's by Voters

These are the people representing you for the next year, you should have a say in who is representing you at the highest level of the University. Even if you are graduating this year and leaving Cardiff Met, think who would I have liked to represent me this year?

Your vote is unique to you! No one can tell you who to vote for but we can ask you to use your vote wisely. Make sure you take some time to read up on candidates manifesto points, speak to the candidates and make an educated decision when you’re ready.

All SU elections give the option for voters to express their wish that nominations for a role be re-opened. Voting R.O.N is usually taken when voters do not feel any of the candidates offer viable or credible policies.

Should R.O.N win an election, the post would not be filled, and a bi-election would be organised at a further time deemed suitable.