Your Students' Union



Meet the SU


During your first week at Cardiff Met, there will be an opportunity to come and visit us in our offices at both Cyncoed and Llandaff Campuses. You can also attend our in person Freshers' Fayre on 20th September in the NIAC on our Cyncoed Campus. 

There will be plenty of opportunities to find out more about the activity of our full-time President and Vice-President, who represent you and your needs to the highest level at the university, and to find out more about the SU’s services, such as sport, societies, Cardiff Met Award, advice and representation to help you settle into your new student life at Cardiff Met. 


Here for you


Students’ Unions provide a strong voice on the issues that matter to students, and at Cardiff Met, our aim is to provide you with the best student experience possible. Cardiff Met SU provides services such as Sport, Representation, Advice and Support, Societies, Activities and Functions.

Your SU exists to represent students’ interests both within the University and the wider community. We also support campaigns on relevant local, national, and international issues. Your SU is a charitable organisation and is democratically determined by Cardiff Met students, which means you could be the next President or Vice President in the future if you campaign!


SU Buildings

We have two campuses at Cardiff Met, Cyncoed and Llandaff. Although you are studying at one campus, you can still use both campus facilities and we encourage you to make the most of being a Cardiff Met student and to come and visit us!

Your SU buildings both have offices. These are the hub for Student Life, so pop in and speak to our friendly staff about anything you may be interested in! We are a nice bunch so pop in anytime between 9 and 5! 

For all enquiries please contact 


Centro Bar

Your SU has a bar on Cyncoed campus with some fantastic drink (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) and food offers in a welcoming and friendly environment. Be sure to check it out!


SU EDI Network


In 2021 the SU launched its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy and with the support of students and staff we have continued to work together to challenge inequity, build inclusivity and above all listen to what members want. 2022/23 will see us open up our doors to launch a student led equality network, host events and provide a backdrop to student life that celebrates our diversity, builds inclusive communities and supports you, our students to have a year to remember.

To find out more, please contact for more information. 


The SU Shop

The SU Shop is situated on Cyncoed Campus. We have a wide selection of snacks, drinks, sandwiches, and sweets so come in and stock up.


Training Rooms


You can find SU training rooms next to our offices at Llandaff and Cyncoed. Loads of workshops and activities (Campus Canines) are held in both throughout the year, so check our website to find out what is going on. If you are a member of a society, you can book this room to hold your meetings for free, so contact to make this happen!


Why become an SU rep?


• Develop leadership skills

• Looks great on your CV

• Create change that you and other students want to see

• Improve your soft skills – communication, organisation, time management.

• Become a part of a team and get your voice heard!

• Chance to progress through the SU Rep Structure – SU Lead Rep, SU School Rep, Sabbatical Officer.

Representing your cohort is an extremely rewarding role, at any level of the representation structure.

How do I become an SU rep?


At the start of every academic year, lecturers should provide you with some time to decide on your course reps for the year. This can be done either through a vote or volunteering yourself.

Another way is to get in contact with your SU School Rep, Programme Director or get in touch with the SU directly.


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